The National Secretariat is housed within the Ministry of Natural Resources and is established to support the Government and stakeholders from Industry and Civil Society to ensure oversight of the execution of decisions and assignments issued by the MSG for the successful implementation of EITI in Guyana. The Secretariat is also responsible for public relations and to maintain contact with the International Secretariat and other National EITI Secretariats.
National Coordinator & Head of the GYEITI Secretariat

Professor Misir was the former Vice-Chancellor, The University of Fiji; Former Pro Vice-Chancellor, Solomon Islands Campus and Professor and Head, School of Public Health, The University of the South Pacific. Professor Misir also was Dean, Centre for iTaukei Studies, The University of Fiji; Dean, Foundation Studies, The University of Fiji; and Dean, University–Wide Program, The University of Fiji.
Professor Misir is the holder of PhD (University of Hull, England); MPH (University of Manchester, England); MPhil (University of Surrey, England); B.S.Sc. (Honours) (Queen’s University of Belfast, United Kingdom); Fellow of the Royal Society for Public Health (FRSPH, England); Harvard University – Certificate: Improving Global Health: Focusing on Quality and Safety; World Health Organization (WHO), Certificate, Ethics and Governance of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Health.
Professor Misir was Visiting Professor at the University of the West Indies; Visiting Professor, Anton de Kom University of Suriname; and Honorary Professor at the University of Central Lancashire in England. He was the former Pro-Chancellor of the University of Guyana.
At the Trinity Symposium on Artificial Intelligence, Trinity Washington University, Prem Misir presented a paper on ethics and governance of artificial intelligence in public health in October 2023. In this paper, he did a systematic review of the literature in AI in global public health, focusing on an ethical and human-centered design into the development, deployment, and use of AI-driven interventions, rooted in a needs-based rather than a tool-based approach. His AI experience includes the use of innovative technologies to improve global public health, especially as AI predictions for global health are beginning to impact resource-poor settings.
In addition to journal articles, he is the author of 12 books, the most recent being:
Misir, P. 2022. COVID-19 and Health System Segregation in the US: Racial Health Disparities and Systemic Racism. Cham: Switzerland: Springer.
MISIR, P. 2019. HIV/AIDS and Adolescents: South Pacific and Caribbean, Singapore, Palgrave Macmillan.
MISIR, P. 2018. The Subaltern Indian Woman: Domination and Social Degradation, Singapore, Palgrave Macmillan. (Section on Violence against Women)
MISIR, P. 2013. HIV & AIDS: Knowledge and Stigma in Guyana, University of the West Indies Press.